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Testimonials for RammDance classes are below:

From LeLan, mom of Juliette:
"Courtney, I knew you 'screamed' professional and incredible, without you saying a word. I have known since day one
we are SO fortunate to have you—real technique, real classical ballet. You are a goldmine."
Rebecca Cross,
Mom of Evelyn (6 years)
“It’s really so perfect how you’re incorporating traditional ballet with where their imagination is, the outdoor and all. I do love the lack of mirrors! . . . Thanks for all you’re doing with such awareness.”
Mom of Eliana (4 years)
Teacher Courtney is a gem to have as a dance teacher! We feel so lucky to have her as our daughter’s teacher and as I am writing this, my daughter has asked me to include that, “I love taking Teacher Courtney’s class!”
Mother of two
Thank you for your wonderful dance classes! It's clear that the children both enjoy and learn from being with you.
Mom of dance student with special needs:
"My daughter is getting so much sensory input, vestibular joy, and just overall holistic wellness from ballet. I wanted her just to have fun but I see this is so much more than fun—it’s actually healthy for her. She is the most blessed kid on earth to find Fridays with you. She 'should not' be able to do half the things she can—but she does them because of people like you willing to let her be her. Thank you from the bottom of my soul for being a large piece of the puzzle of my daughter's journey to being her!”

Mom of 10-year old dance student:
"I will say it again: you are crushing it for children with this gift you're giving them.
I am beyond grateful!"
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